WEPOGA provides full demonstrations of each of the following methods to anyone interested in learning about organic farming.Through creating awareness and providing practical training in organic farming to farmers-men,women and the rural youth groups.We also gather and disseminate information on organic farming in the Western region.We give full training seminars on:
1. Organic pesticides are made from bitter mung'ulie leaves, red onions, sodom apples, kitchen ash and hot peppers.
2. Organic fertilizer are created by mixing kitchen wastes, any dry leaves or grass, maize stalks, soil, eggshells, animal droppings, and kitchen ash. This fertiliazer is a soil feeder making the crops receive its exact requirements,not over dose.This also ensures nothing is wasted by leaching or by the formation of insoluble compounds.Also Vegetables and water
3. Intercropping: Planting local trees and plants such as the gravalia tree mixed in with your crops can return nitrogen to the soil, while feeding your livestock as well!
4. Crop rotation: By alternating the crops grown on a given plot, the diversity of plant matter can return nutrients to the soil, making it fertile and productive without the use of fertilizers.
5. Integrated Pest Management: The introduction of natural predators such as praying mantises and ladybugs can help control pests without the use of spraying exterminations.
6. Desmodium seeds: These cheap,locally-found seeds planted away from your crops attract birds and insects, who flock to them rather than attacking your fields. Apart from this it controls striga weed and adds nitrogen to the soil.
7. Paper bag scarecrows: Paper bags tied to string or posts move when blown by the wind, crea
ting the illusion for birds that someone is guarding the fields. They are then scared away and leave your crops intact.We also provide one-on-one visits to each farm to help adapt the techniques. Individual needs are considered and follow-up visits are made to address any problems.
8. The use of raised beds to allow closer spacing of vegetables.
9.Crop protection by means of plant lures and deterrents.
10.Double digging to break up the hard pan several centimeters below the surface,which impends the flow of air ,water and the penetration of roots.
11.Animal husbandryi.e poultry,dairy farmingpig,sheep,goats-which tries to cater for the animal’s nutural instincts which includes zero grazing as away of collecting animal manure. 12.Mixed cropping to discourage pest build up and to improve soil cover.
B. THE WEPOGA COMMUNITY:- Members of WEPOGA meet once every month to discuss the issues and problems they encounter, and to share success stories of the strategies that have worked best. They also work to reduce competition among themselves. When many farmers grow the same product at the same time, supply is high and wholesale prices fall at the market. WEPOGA farmers work to compromise and grow different crops from each other at different times, so each crop is more valuable.By promising certain buyers to bring contamination-free food to their front door each week, we are creating a list of guaranteed buyers for organic farmers. By this way, our farmers will have the financial security of knowing that at least some of their food will always be sold to the same buyers .We would like to set up a delivery service system where by we shall have to deliver farmer's organic produce to the market. Our vision is to upgrade Wepoga in the near future from a community based org to an NGO so that we may have a capacity to expand our services.
WORK WITH WEPOGAWEPOGA is always looking for qualified volunteers to assist with both the educative and administrative functions of the organization. There is considerable scope for personalizing each volunteer’s project; we want to match your project to your strengths, whether that lies in fieldwork, research, administration, fundraising or marketing.WEPOGA is currently located in Kabula, a small village outside of Bungoma in Western Province. Volunteers can access most of the necessities of life, including the internet, from either of these two locations. However, many volunteers find their "big city fix" in one of the two main cities within two hours’ drive – Eldoret or Kisumu. Nearer to home, Kakamega, Busia, Webuye and Malaba also offer some scope for day tripping or weekends visiting rain forests, camping, hiking to waterfalls, etc.Successful volunteers are housed with a family in the local community. Volunteer placements are usually three months (with two weeks off mid-placement or at the end for independent travel in Kenya).Food and accommodation is provided for a basic cost of US $50 (or the equivalent in KSh3800) per week. All volunteers are required to contribute a minimal program fee of US $200, which is used to cover administrative costs and to assist the organization to grow. We estimate that a volunteer needs about US $300 per month to live comfortably, excluding travel costs, present shopping and other luxuries.Our representatives will welcome you at Kisumu or Eldoret airport, which are connected by daily flights to Nairobi International Airport. Alternatively, pick-ups from Nairobi can be arranged for a fee of US $120.
PAST VOLUNTEERS:- WEPOGA has already welcomed volunteers from three different continents, including the USA, Germany, and Australia our first and the founder member for wepoga was Brant Rotnem rom Boston University(USA) who volunteerd from 12th june to 10th August 2005. We have just seen off one of our most prominent Germany volunteer who has been with us as from 24th jan to 20th july 2006 she has studied Athropology and African studies she has really worked for wepoga towards capacity building and she is now co-ordinating wepoga from Germany. All our volunteer projects have been different, reflecting the skills and interests of each individual(s). Our most recent (12th july to 20th september)volunteer hailed from Melbourne, Australia. He is staying with us for 10 weeks, assisting WEPOGA in the production of marketing and promotional materials, in facilitating farmer education workshops and in building a network of purchasers of organic produce in the Western Province. He also carried out background research regarding the social, economic and environmental problems affecting farmers in the region.
HOW TO GET IN CONTACT:- Initial expressions of interest should be addressed to Benson Keya and should include information on the following: · Your name, age, qualifications; . Experience, if any, of Africa or any other third world country · .Length of time you are available to volunteer and when . .What kind of work you would be most interested in doing Please contact Benson on:- balakonya@yahoo.com . Hope to hear from you soon!
FUNDRAISING:- At present, WEPOGA heavily depends on member contributions and volunteers for assistance.
-We are researching on varieties of economical food crops such as sweet potatoes, Local vegetables, Soya beans and hot peppers
- we are interested in joining other organisations in the region like Sacred Africa and the Mabanga Farmers Training Centre, who are researching on new varieties of crops like highland "new rice for Africa", maize, groundnuts that are tolerant to diseases etc. and on striga weed management
- we are looking for sponsors in Bungoma, Nairobi and the rest of the world to help us run our projects. WE WANT:-
- To teach and establish more groups: three self initiated orphan schools need support ! we have to motivate and mobilize the widows or guardians for the future of the children.
-We have so far been able to make some contacts with FAO headquarters office in Nairobi and they have been able to link us up with other organizations that are working in the Western Province, CAFOD office Nairobi. We have also been able to link up with the Kenya Organic Institute of Organic Farming which is situated in Thika and they are offering : 1.The training department including farmers workshops consultancy and outreach including participatory on – farm research, consultancy and demonstration centres. 2. Information including library, publications and quarterly magazine- previously “Foes of Famine” and now “ Mambo Leisa” and a monthly newsletter. We would like to help/sponsor our farmers in the western region to go to Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) for a one week training seminar on organic agriculture and also do a field exchange program. Furthermore since KIOF is offering TOTS we would like to train our farmers to help us in our outreach programmes for training the others so that we reach a good number of farmers . -We are still in the process of meeting /visiting more org to see to it that we are networking /collaborating with them.
- Medium water pumps (1= 4600 KSh =70$)
- water tanks (according to size 1= 3000-10 000 KSh =50-150 $) - energy saving stoves (120-3000 KSh =2-50 $)
- Mosquito nets (1= 350 KSh =5$) - Clothes, shoes for children
- Money for paying school fees for orphans (direct to the school) - To dig boreholes (1= 15000 KSh =215$)
- To build small traditional houses for widows with to many children (1=12000 KSH =175$) -Sponsoring our farmers to go for a one week training seminar at KIOF (KSHS 3000 transport costs per farmer and KHS500 training fee for each farmer for 1 week total Khs 3500/$50) - Solar technology. - Providing clean water services to the community for they usually use water tablets to purify water, which usually contains chloride.
- Collaboration/partnership with interested organization for better service delivery to the community.
-Motor bicycles for our field co-ordinators community outreach empowerment, follow up visits, monitoring and evaluation e.t.c
Current problems:-
We do not have a car. So everything takes long time. In view of the high cost of fuel in Kenya, a vehicle is sought with a diesel engine. High road clearance is an absolute necessity, as is the capacity for constant off-road use. Almost all roads are dirt. Rains make the terrain very difficult for half the year. Vehicles which have proved themselves particularly durable in this area are Toyota Land Cruisers and – possibly most rugged of all – the Land Rover Discovery specifically for organic delivery service for wepoga farmers. Of course beggars cannot be choosers, and any off-road utility would be most welcome. Last but not least we need an office space aprinter, Scanner and a photocopier, a plot for demonstrations and experiments (1 Acre minimum) and we want to establish a resource centre concerning organic agriculture where seminars can be held and east African flora and fauna. Any questions or problems that meetings can not address could be researched at the resource centre and the central place with demonstration plot, office, library, meeting room would function at the same time for enhancing contacts and getting new ones. We also have to build small traditional houses for volunteers at the centre and those interested in cultural home stays in Western Kenya. You are invited to contact us and we do promise to collaborate/Partner. Thank you.